March 2024
As part of the District’s Values, YCCD embraces transparency and clear, honest communication. The Monthly Highlights intends to communicate to the District community major approval actions the Board takes at the monthly Board Meetings. If you would like more detailed information on the highlighted items below, please see the link to the Board Docs agenda.
Board Study Session:
The Board had a special study session and presentation on Student Completion and Success. You can see the presentation and scorecard here:
Special Recognitions:
Yuba College Employee Spotlight: Ruth Catalan, Campus Life Technician
Classified Employee of the Year awarded to:
- Stephanie Bone, Sutter County Center – Yuba College and Districtwide
- Ms. Bone will be submitted to the California Community College Chancellor’s Office for consideration by the Board of Governors for the Classified Employee of the Year Award at the state level.
- Natasha Cornett, Lake County Campus – Woodland Community College
- Peter Skillman, District Services
Adopted Resolutions:
Resolution Honoring the Life and Contributions of Former YCCD Professor & Administrator George C. Shaw
Resolution Honoring National Vietnam War Veterans Day, March 29, 2024
Resolution Honoring Cesar Chavez Day, March 31, 2024
Resolution Recognizing April 2024 as California Community College Month
Approval Actions:
Adopted: Non-resident tuition rate of $319 per semester unit for fiscal year 2024-25.
Approved: Extension of the Interim Director of Health and Medical Career Programs and Nursing at Yuba College.
Approved: Extension and Conversion of Employment of the YCCD Acting Director of Institutional Effectiveness.
Approved: Awarded Slater and Son, Inc. (General Contractor) the proposed change orders totaling approximately $168,130.62 and to award Trover Construction Project Management (TCPM) and add service for $47,125.00 and a total project revised proposed project budget of $6,593,677.82 to complete the Yuba College, Building 800 Modernization construction partial renovation project.
Adopted: Resolution No. 24-17 entitled,” Resolution Declaring Intention to Dedicate Easements to the County of Yuba”, associated with the Yuba County Public Works, “North Beale Complete Streets/Safety Project – Phase III” to support roadway improvements along the North Beale Road Yuba College north property boundary at no cost or payment to the District.
Adopted: Resolution No. 24-14, eliminating three Full-Time Equivalent College Police Officer positions and authorizing the Chancellor to send appropriate notification to the impacted employees.
Link to full meeting calendars.

If you have any questions or comments, contact the Chancellor Office at