Community colleges develop facilities master plans to ensure educational facilities meet safety standards and are equipped with the technology and features that support quality instruction and workforce training.


In 2006, working with independent consultants, the District developed the YCCD Facilities Master Plan. All educational facilities were assessed for their overall condition, environmental efficiency and sustainability, and ability to support student learning and success. In addition, the Facilities Master Plan included impending needs based on workforce projections. The plan identified $400 million in new construction, modernization, infrastructure, and technology projects. The highest priority projects totaled $190 million, leaving $210 million for later consideration.

The Board of Trustees voted to place Measure J, a $190 million general obligation bond, on the ballot.  Measure J was approved by voters in November 2006, receiving broad support across the District’s eight-county service area.

In September 2016, assessors from the California Community College Chancellor’s Office and the Community College Foundation, inspected all district facilities to determine deferred maintenance repairs and necessary improvements to buildings and infrastructure systems.  More than $80 million in repairs, renovations and needed improvements were identified as high priorities.

Even with the District’s careful management of bond funds, which have saved taxpayers $86million since 2006, the number of necessary projects exceeds the remaining bond funding. Therefore, the project list was updated in 2018 to include only the highest priority repairs, renovations, and improvements necessary for regulatory compliance and urgent instructional needs.

It is anticipated that all projects funded by Measures J and Q will be completed by 2026.

Unmet Needs

The outstanding $210 million required for modernization, infrastructure, and technology upgrades, as outlined in the 2006 Facilities Master Plan, along with an additional $88.9 million for deferred maintenance projects and repairs, identified by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office in 2016, will be postponed until further financial resources become accessible.