Chapter 7: Human Resources
7100: Commitment to Diversity
7110: Delegation of Authority, Human Resources
7120: Recruitment and Hiring
7130: Compensation
7140: Collective Bargaining
7150: Evaluation
7210: Academic Employees
7230: Classified Employees
7238: Classified Employee Handbook
7240: Confidential Employees
7250: Educational Administrators
7260: Classified Supervisors and Managers
7265: District Management Handbook
7310: Nepotism
7330: Communicable Disease
7335: Health Examinations
7340: Leaves
7342: Family Medical Leave Act/California Family Rights Act
7350: Resignations
7360: Discipline and Dismissals – Academic Employees
7365: Discipline and Dismissals – Classified Employees
7370: Political Activity
7380: Retiree Health Benefits: Academic Employees
7385: Salary Reductions
7400: Travel
7510: Domestic Partners
7600: YCCD Police Department
7700: Whistleblower Protection