By state law, YCCD’s general obligation bond expenditures and finances are reviewed and approved by an independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC).  The CBOC is responsible for ensuring your tax dollars are leveraged and used for priority capital projects not employees’ salaries. The CBOC reviews and reports on the annual audits, in addition to other monitoring and reporting activities. The CBOC is comprised of volunteers who serve without compensation and represent specific constituencies, including senior citizens, businesses, taxpayer organizations, support organizations, students, and the community-at-large.

YCCD has consistently earned the highest possible evaluation for efficient and effective use of bond funds by each CBOC since 2006.


Meeting Schedule, Agendas and Minutes

Annual Reports

Bylaws & Ethics Policy


Woodland Community College

Woodland Community College

Colusa County Campus

Colusa County Campus

Lake County Campus

Lake County Campus

Yuba College

Yuba College

Sutter County Center

Sutter County Center