This Handbook has been developed as a reference guide. The District Handbook provides information on the YCCD governance structure; District committees and councils; integrated planning, budgeting and evaluation; District Services functions; and the organizational reporting structure across the District.

District Information

YCCD Mission, Vision, Values & Goals

YCCD Strategic Plan

Organizational Charts

Glossary of Terms

Directory of Staff

YCCD Board of Trustees

Trustee Information & Bios

Student Trustee Information

Board Policy 2510 – Participation in Local Decision-Making

Administrative Procedure 2510 – Participation in Local Decision-Making

Committee Charters

Academic Calendar Committee

Chancellor’s Cabinet

College/District Leadership of Academic and Student Services (CLASS)

District, College, and Academic Senate Leadership Group (DCAS)

District Consultation and Coordination Council (DC3)

District Management Council (DMC)

District Technology Committee

Sabbatical Leave Committee

Integrated Planning, Budgeting, & Evaluation Process

Strategic Planning Process

Integrated Planning Model

Annual Integrated Planning Process Framework

YCCD Planning Process

New and One-Time Funding Allocation Process

Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Review Framework

Mission and Function of California Community Colleges

Mission of the Economic and Workforce Development Program

Calculating Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) 

Fifty Percent Law

Administrative Procedure 3250 – Institutional Planning 

District Services/Departments

Office of the Chancellor

Administrative Services – Office of the Vice Chancellor

Administrative Services – Fiscal Services Department

Administrative Services – Maintenance and Operations Department

Administrative Services – Safety and Risk Management

Education and Planning – Office of the Vice Chancellor

Education and Planning – Educational Services Department

Education and Planning – Office of the District Registrar

Education and Planning – Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness Department

Office of People and Culture

Information Technology Department

YCCD Foundation

District Functional Map

Organizational Reporting Structures

Organization Charts

Full PDF Version of Handbook - Updated 7.23.24 
*The District Handbook is typically updated once a year, please send updates to