Chancellor’s Newsletter – November 2019

TCSIG Decision on Transgender Health Services

Earlier this year, a Yuba Community College District (YCCD) representative on the Tri-Counties School Insurance Group Board (TCISG) requested the removal of a transgender health services exclusion from the self-insured plans and requested amendments to the plans to include gender transition services consistent with California Law and common standards of care.  TCSIG staff conducted an analysis of the costs associated with plan modifications in order to provide a recommendation to the TCSIG Board.

The October 25, 2019 TCSIG Board meeting agenda included an action item titled “Consideration and possible approval of Plan Amendments to allow for Transgender benefits and related incentives.”  In a vote during the meeting, the TCSIG Board voted to being covering services related to gender identity and expression, effective November 1, 2019.

YCCD Successful in Measure Q Bond Sale

The Yuba Community College District conducted a Measure Q Bonds sale in October.  This was a competitive sale with seven bidders.  The bonds were sold at a lower interest rate than forecasted at the time of the meeting where the YCCD Governing Board approved the sale.  As a result, the bond sales team was able to reconstruct the issuance to pay off the bonds a little quicker than forecasted, resulting in a lower overall interest.

Governor Newsom Issues Proclamation Declaring California Resilience Day

Governor Newsom, on the one-year anniversary of the Camp Fire, issued a proclamation declaring November 8, 2019, as “California Resilience Day.”  November 8, 2019 marked the one-year anniversary of the Camp Fire that razed the town of Paradise, taking 85 lives, destroying 14,0000 homes, and displacing tens of thousands of residents.

Governor Newsom stated in the proclamation that “The Camp Fire response and recovery also serve as a reminder to our common humanity, which is on display every day in Paradise.”

Chancellor Houston stated in a district-wide e-mail regarding the one-year anniversary of the Camp Fire that “recovery is progressing as best as can be expected.  As of today (November 7th), roughly 3,000 residents have repopulated, all in homes that were not destroyed.  Tens of thousands more have simply relocated elsewhere, either temporarily or permanently.”  The Yuba Community College District holds all that were affected and continue to be affected by The Camp Fire in our thoughts and prayers.

Read Governor Newsom’s full proclamation here: California Resilience Day Proclamation 2019

District Newsletter

The District Newsletter is intended to share updates from various participatory District-wide decision-making groups, Board Policies and Administrative Procedures, updates from Cabinet, District Services, Fiscal Services, Information Technology, M&O, and Human Resources. The October 2019 District Newsletter is available here: November 2019 – District Newsletter

Legislative Update

Legislature is in recess and will reconvene January 6, 2020.

Chancellor’s Calendar
November 2019

4 – Vacation Day
5 – Chancellor’s Cabinet
5 – Meeting with Foundation Director
5 – District Consultation Council (DC3)
6 – Meetings of the Facilities/Audit and Finance Committees
6 – Meeting with Trustee Wheeler
6 – YCCD Foundation Board Meeting
7 – Staffing Planning “Summit” with Presidents & senior District Services administrators
7 – Planning Call for 2020 State Budget Workshop
7 – ACCCA Executive Committee monthly call
8 – Guest Speaker at CACCROA Region 1 & 2 meeting (Butte College)
8 – “Camp Fire” commemorative events (Paradise)
11 – Veterans Day Holiday (District Closed)
12 – Confirmed: “1st Partner” tour of WCC Ag (rescheduled)
12 – Chancellor’s Cabinet
12 – Meeting with WCC President
12 – Meeting with Academic Senates’ Leadership
13 – District Management Council (DMC)
13 – Retirement Board of Authority meeting
13 – Meeting with Trustee Pasquale
14 – Meeting with Trustee Alves
14 – Meeting of Board’s WCC Facility Ad Hoc Committee
14 – Meeting with Trustee Savarese
14 – Policy/Student Access and Success Committee Meeting
14 – Meeting of the Governing Board
15 – WCC Facility Charette (WCC Community Room)
18 – Meeting with Trustee Teagarden|
18 – Meeting with VCAS
20 – Meeting of Student Centered Funding Formula Task Force
21 to 23 – CCLC Annual Convention (Riverside)
28 & 29 – Thanksgiving Holiday (District Closed)