District Office News
Special Topics Zoom Series
The next session titled “Facility Planning and Management in the Digital Age” will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 from 2:30-3:30 p.m.
On the Special Topics Zoom Series website you can find schedules and Zoom links, feedback form, and recordings of previous presentations.
Chancellor’s Open Door
As a reminder, Chancellor Pan will be on campus, monthly, to meet and interact with faculty, staff, and students who would like to stop by during the “Open Door” period. Below are the upcoming dates/times. No appointment is necessary.
Lake County Campus, Location TBD
Thursday, April 18, 2024
From 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Yuba College, Staff Lounge
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
From 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
District Office, Chancellor’s Office
Friday, April 12, 2024
From 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Woodland Community College, Academic Senate Office
Thursday, May 2, 2024
From 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Next Regular Board Meeting
The Board of Trustees will meet for their regular meeting on Thursday, April 11, 2024 at Yuba College. The agenda will be released 72-hours prior to the meeting here.
District Holiday Closures
Monday, April 1, 2024
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Friday, April 5, 2024
Celebrating District Gains in Student Degree Completion
Faculty and staff across our district focus heavily on student degree completion and graduation, even during the challenging times of the global pandemic. The work we have been doing to improve student support services, streamline processes, and improve academic supports is paying off and our completion, transfer and living wage outcomes significantly exceed state averages.
As an example, our completion rates for students who have earned any associate degree have increased:

The California Community College Board of Governors recently approved a new strategic framework to guide the 116-college system into the future. Vision 2030, A Roadmap for California Community Colleges is centered on three strategic goals – equity in success, equity in access and equity in support – along with strategic directions that fall under the categories of equitable baccalaureate attainment, equitable workforce and economic development and the future of learning. The YCCD district is aligning it strategic plan to the statewide goals and will continue to work to remove barriers and improve outcomes for all students in our service areas.
Yuba College News
On March 14 Yuba College Men’s Basketball Team was cheered on by staff and students as they began their travels to the State Championships. Staff and students who cheered and decorated posters.
Congratulations to Dr. Angela Willson, a retired faculty member/program director from our Rad Tech Program. Dr. Willson has been named a Fox40 Remarkable Woman, was featured on Fox40, and a story about her incredible career is now posted online at: https://fox40.com/news/local-news/remarkable-woman-dr-angela-willson-helped-hundreds-of-medical-students-during-her-teaching-career/. Angela continues to make a difference in supporting our community and has made a lifelong impact on the Rad Tech Program, our college, and our students.
Happenings around the college
March 29-30: Track & Field, Stanford Invitational
March 29: Baseball vs. Contra Costa College, 1 pm
April 4: Baseball vs. Solano College, 2:30 pm
April 5: Softball vs. Feather River College, Noon (Doubleheader)
April 6: Softball vs. Lassen, Noon (Doubleheader)
April 9: Tuesday Noon Recital, YC-Marysville Theatre
April 11: Baseball vs. College of Marin, 2:30 pm
April 12: Softball vs. Shasta College, Noon (Doubleheader)
April 13: Softball vs. Mendocino College, Noon (Doubleheader)
April 15: Deadline to apply for Spring 2024 Graduation
April 29: Priority registration begins for Summer and Fall 2024
Full Yuba College sports schedules are linked here.
Woodland Community College News
Eagles of Excellence celebration is scheduled for Friday, April 12 at 4:30 p.m. at Woodland Community College. This event helps to raise funds for Woodland Community College students while honoring individuals for their contributions:
- Raymond Sandoval – Classified
- Elyse Doyle-Martinez – Community Member
- Christina Thomas – Alumni
- Paul Dilley – Faculty
- James Schulte – Faculty
Purchase your tickets here: Woodland Community College Fund – Woodland Community College (yccd.edu)
Fiscal Update

On February 27, 2024, the State Chancellor’s Office unveiled the 2023-24 First Principal (P1) apportionment figures for the Student-Centered Funding Formula. This marks our initial authoritative insight into our current year funding allocation. The 2023-24 P1 Total Computational Revenue (Max TCR) is determined by selecting the highest of three TCR calculations: (A) the 2023-24 formula calculated TCR, (B) TCR stability protection (the 2022-23 calculated TCR plus COLA), or (C) Hold Harmless (the 2017-18 TCR plus yearly COLAs). The statewide SCFF Max TCR for 2023-24 P1 stands at $9.54 billion. At the 2023-24 P1 stage, the revenue deficit for non-basic aid districts rose to 3.55%, up from 2.29% at the 2023-24 Advance stage. This increase in deficit is attributed to the statewide Max TCR growth and a net decline in estimated local property tax revenues across the state for 2023-24 P1. The revenue deficit is subject to change in each apportionment cycle, contingent upon updated data and revenue streams.
The Yuba Community College District initially estimated its Total Computational Revenue (TCR) with a deficit factor of 2.29% at $73,104,574. However, with the deficit factor now higher at 3.55%, the district anticipates its TCR to be $72,162,907. Consequently, the District will propose a budget revision to align its revenue with the calculated TCR by the Chancellor’s Office. Additionally, it plans to update its multi-year projections following the Governor’s May Revision and adjust these projections based on the FCMAT proposed budget assumptions, as necessary.
As mentioned in the Chancellor’s newsletter in February, the State Chancellor’s Office is providing financial support for the FCMAT review of the district’s fiscal health risk analysis, as well as reviewing the multi-year budget assumptions.
Trainings Open Around the District
Topic: Risk Management Roundtable: Psychological Safety
When: April 25, 2024, 1:00-2:30 p.m. (Online)
Presenter: Keenan
Targeted Audience: Anyone
Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqcOCprjovGNdmDTsrt-z8nx0RQPyKyLmM#/registration
Information: Have you ever been told to leave your emotional baggage at the door before coming to work? The truth is, this isn’t always easy to do, and people tend to bring their “whole self” to work, meaning they are affected by the mental burdens from home and other life events. Lack of psychological well-being can have a profound effect on workplace safety, from increased risk of physical injury of the employee or those around them, to greater absenteeism from work. A distracted worker is more at risk for an injury since they are not fully paying attention to what they are doing.
While many employers address mental health in the workplace using health benefits and employee assistance programs, these are generally more reactive responses. This roundtable will present concepts and processes to address workplace mental health more proactively, as a function of risk management. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and roundtable with contemporaries from other California K-12 Schools & Community Colleges.
This training is free.
Topic: Premier Chemical – Environmental Compliance Training
When: April 12, 2024, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Yuba College, Room 803 AND
April 26, 2024, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Woodland Community College, Room 314
Presenter: Premier Chemical
Targeted Audience: Anyone
Register Here: RSVP Email to Rachel Harvey, rharvey@yccd.edu
Information: This essential training session is designed for professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of current chemical regulations, environmental compliance requirements, and best practices for safe management of chemicals. This is in-person training.
Recently Review Board Policies & Administrative Procedures
The below Administrative Procedures (AP) were reviewed as part of the CCLC #43 updated, with noted updates and finalized in Board Docs. The AP’s reviewed will go to the Board in the summer as an informational item, per standard practice.
New, Strongly Advised
AP 2712 – Conflict of Interest Code
No Update Needed
AP 2735 – Board Member Travel
- —– For current open positions, visit our hiring webpage for more information. —–
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Mission Statement: Yuba Community College District provides all individuals in our diverse communities access to high-quality, affordable higher education that is responsive to student needs. Our mission is to inspire and advocate for student success through our passion and commitment to teaching, learning, and social justice.
- Vision: Our vision is to empower our students and strengthen our communities by providing equitable, student-centered learning opportunities.
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Would you like to have an event highlighted in a future newsletter? Email dwilliam@yccd.edu for consideration.