Welcome Back to Campus!
Whether you are a student, faculty member, staff member or administrator, this COVID site is regularly updated to provide you with the with the necessary information and resources need as we start to transition away from an almost exclusive virtual campus to a combination of in-person and online instruction. (The last revision was made on March 6, 2025.)
COVID-19 Reporting & Guidelines
- Yuba Community College District (YCCD) no longer requires students to report COVID-19 cases. Per California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidelines, COVID-19 should be treated like other endemic respiratory illnesses, such as the flu or common cold.
- In accordance with CalOSHA regulations (§3205),faculty and staff must continue to self-report positive COVID-19 cases to COVID Response Center (YCCD COVID19 Reporting Form).
- YCCD strongly encourages everyone to stay up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations, including boosters, and to test regularly.
Health & Safety Recommendations
- Stay home if you have symptoms of a respiratory illness.
- Masking is recommended while indoors if you have symptoms of a respiratory illness.
- Frequent handwashing is advised to help prevent the spread of illness.
- If diagnosed with a respiratory virus (e.g., COVID-19, flu, strep throat), follow your doctor’s or health department’s guidance before returning to campus.
Current COVID-19 Information
For the latest guidance on respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, visit:
CDPH Respiratory Viruses Guidance.
Screening & Support
- Students: If you have COVID-19 questions, please contact your healthcare provider.
- Employees: If you have symptoms or test positive, report to the COVID Response Center at CovidResponsecenter@yccd.edu.
It should also be noted that some programs such as Allied Health, are subject to more rigorous requirements and rules such as those for healthcare settings.
COVID-19 Testing
- YCCD no longer offers free COVID-19 home test kits to staff and students.
- Rapid tests can be purchased at retail stores or online. Most health insurance plans cover the cost of at-home test kits at select pharmacies.
- Expiration update: The at-home Flowflex COVID-19 test kits provided by YCCD are valid until September 21, 2025.
Isolation & Quarantine Guidance
YCCD has revised its COVID-19 protocols to align with CDPH recommendations:
If You Test Positive for COVID-19
- Isolate regardless of vaccination status.
- You may return to campus when:
- At least 24 hours have passed with no fever (without fever-reducing medication),
- and Symptoms are mild and improving.
- Day 0 is the first day of symptoms or the day of a positive test (whichever comes first).
- If symptoms persist (e.g., fever), continue isolating until symptoms improve.
- Masking requirement:
- If you return before Day 10, wear a high-quality, well-fitted mask around others.
- You may remove your mask before Day 10 if you have two negative tests taken at least one day apart between Days 5 and 10.
If You Were Exposed to COVID-19
- Testing is no longer required for exposure unless:
- You develop symptoms.
- You are at higher risk for severe disease or have close contact with someone at higher risk.
- Close contacts should wear a mask for 10 days after exposure, including at home if others are present.
- If symptoms develop, isolate and get tested. If positive, follow the isolation guidelines above.
- Recognizing Respiratory Illness Symptoms
Symptoms of COVID-19, influenza, and other respiratory viruses may include:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Other Resources
State of California Coronavirus Website
COVID-19 Videos