Yuba Community College District reports information of all potential worksite exposures to COVID-19, as required by new Cal/OSHA standards (AB 2693).

The table below provides notification regarding confirmed COVID-19 cases that were present at YCCD worksites during the suspected infectious period, including the building name and suspected dates of the infection period.

If you were in a campus location within the timeframe listed, it does not necessarily mean that you were exposed.  Individuals known or suspected to be a close contact with any individuals referenced below during the high-risk exposure period have received an email and provided information on recommended next steps.

AB 2693 Notifications

05/01/2024, Woodland Community College: Building 100 (presidents suite) and Building 700.

The individual became symptomatic on 04/30/2024. . Tested positive on 04/30/2024.
Exposure date(s) 04/30/2024.


04/30/2024, Woodland Community College: Room 863

The individual has been asymptomatic. Tested positive on 04/24/2024.
Exposure date(s) 04/23/2024.


04/23/2024, Yuba College: Nurse Building – Room 2131

The individual became symptomatic on 04/22/2024. Tested positive on 04/22/2024.
Exposure date(s) 04/22/2024.


03/13/2024, Yuba College: MESA

The individual became symptomatic on 03/10/2024. Tested positive on 03/12/2024.
Exposure date(s) 03/12/2024.


02/21/2024, Woodland Community College: Room 402

The individual became symptomatic on 02/20/2024. Tested positive on 02/21/2024.
Exposure date(s) 02/20/2024.


02/20/2024, Yuba College, M-3004

The individual became symptomatic on 02/16/2024. Tested positive on 02/18/2024.
Exposure date(s) 02/15/2024.


02/07/2024, Woodland Community College: Room 402

The individual became symptomatic on 02/02/2024. Tested positive on 02/06/2024.
Exposure date(s) 02/01/2024.


02/02/2024, Yuba College: Building 100, EOPS

The individual became symptomatic on 01/31/2024. Tested positive on 02/01/2024.
Exposure date(s) 01/31/2024.


01/30/2024, Woodland Community College: Room 842

The individual became symptomatic on 01/30/2024. Tested positive on 01/30/2024.
Exposure date(s) 01/29/2024.


01/30/2024, Yuba College: Building 100B, Financial Aid office

The individual became symptomatic on 01/27/2024. Tested positive on 01/29/2024.
Exposure date(s) 01/26/2024.


01/30/2024, Yuba College: Building 100B, EOPS

The individual became symptomatic on 01/28/2024. Tested positive on 01/30/2024.
Exposure date(s) 01/29/2024.


01/29/2024, Yuba College: Building 2100, Nursing office.

The individual became symptomatic on 01/27/2024. Tested positive on 01/28/2024.
Exposure date(s) 01/25/2024.


01/29/2024, Yuba College: Building 2100, Office 2105A.

The individual became symptomatic on 01/26/2024. Tested positive on 01/26/2024.
Exposure date(s) 01/26/2024.


01/29/2024, Yuba College: Building 100B, Office 107.

The individual became symptomatic on 01/25/2024. Tested positive on 01/26/2024.
Exposure date(s) 01/26/2024.


01/26/2024, Woodland Community College: Rooms 302 and 840.

The individual became symptomatic on 01/25/2024. Tested positive on 01/25/2024.
Exposure date(s) 01/24/2024.


01/26/2024, Yuba College: Building 100B, Cashier Office/ Admissions and records.

The individual became symptomatic on 01/26/2024. Tested positive on 01/26/2024.
Exposure date(s) 01/26/2024, 01/25/2024.


01/16/2024, Yuba College: Building 100A, Registrar office
The individual became symptomatic on 01/14/2024. Tested positive on 01/15/2024.
Exposure date(s) 01/12/2024


01/12/2024, Yuba College: Building 1600
The individual became symptomatic on 01/09/2024. Tested positive on 01/11/2024.
Exposure date(s) 01/11/2024 and 01/10/2024


01/10/2024, Yuba College: Building 100, Room 19
The individual became symptomatic on 01/09/2024. Tested positive on 01/10/2024.
Exposure date(s) 01/09/2024 and 01/10/2024


12/19/2023, Woodland Community College: Building 700
The individual became symptomatic on 12/18/2023. Tested positive on 12/18/2023.
Exposure date(s) 12/18/2023


12/19/2023, Lake County Campus: Building 200, Room 209
The individual became symptomatic on 12/15/2023. Tested positive on 12/15/2023.
Exposure date(s) 12/14/2023


12/19/2023, Yuba College: Consulting Department
The individual became symptomatic on 12/14/2023. Tested positive on 12/15/2023.
Exposure date(s) 12/14/2023


12/10/2023, Lake County Campus: Building 400, Lab.

The individual became symptomatic on 12/08/2023. Tested positive on 12/09/2023.
Exposure date(s) 12/08/2023


12/05/2023, Yuba College: Building 100B Admissions and Records Department.

The individual became symptomatic on 12/01/2023. Tested positive on 12/03/2023.
Exposure date(s) 12/01/2023


12/04/2023, Yuba College: Building 2100, Rooms 2101C, 2103, 2104.

The individual became symptomatic on 11/28/2023. Tested positive on 11/30/2023.
Exposure date(s) 11/28/2023


11/30/2023, Woodland Community College: Building 800, rooms 801 and 851

The individual became symptomatic on 11/28/2023. Tested positive on 11/29/2023.
Exposure date(s) 11/28/2023


The California Department of Public Health defines the infectious period as 2 days before an infected person first develops symptoms (or 2 days before an asymptomatic test) until 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared, and at least 24 hours have passed with no fever (without the use of fever-reducing medications), and other symptoms have improved. A close contact is defined as someone who share the same indoor space with a person who is infected with COVID-19 for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period.

Employees who receive a positive result for COVID-19 and must isolate should reach out to their supervisors or HR Officer Maribel Gaytan to discuss options, regarding COVID-19-related benefits available to them.

YCCD Maintenance & Operations Department (M&O) has developed protocols for responding to different sanitization scenarios – from high traffic areas to spaces where an infected person has been. Learn more about cleaning protocols during COVID-19. For more information to receive the cleaning and disinfection plan please contact YCCD M&O department.

Students, faculty, and staff should contact the COVID Response Team ASAP if you are symptomatic, believe you have been exposed, or tested positive for COVID-19.  For all COVID-19-related questions and concerns, contact “covidresponsecenter@yccd.edu”.