It pays to do well on your placement examination!
1. Shorten your time to achieve your education goals
2. Lower your educational expenses
To do well on your placement exam, prepare beforehand by using these free tools in this order:
Sample Tests
Placement Test Tutorials
If you want more information about the actual test questions, check out these Sample Test Questions
After practicing – Schedule a Test: Tests are given on a walk-in basis daily at the Marysville site, and by appointment at all other sites. Good luck!
When you get your actual test scores back, here is a chart of the course placement levels for your college:
Further information:
All student who plan to enroll in Mathematics or English courses or courses with a heavy reading content, math content, or those who intend to graduate or transfer units to another institution, as well as concurrently enrolled high school students, are advised to complete the Yuba College Placement Examination prior to enrolling into classes.
The Examination assesses a student’s reading, English, and mathematics skills.
This assessment generates a profile of the student’s skills, which, along with other factors (such as the student’s past experience, grades, difficulty of current schedule, etc.,) a counselor can use to advise the student on the best courses to meet her/his individual educational goals. Assessment is a component of Matriculation.
Students and prospective student may take the Placement Examination three times in a two-year period, twice in any semester and onetime in any 30-day period.
Testing Policy
- BOARD Policy# 4237
- Administrative Procedure# 4237
- ATB Policy: Currently in revision