2024-2025 Student Trustees Representatives


Woodland Community College: Shawn Tan


Yuba College: Jaspinder Grewal


The Student member shall have the following responsibilities: (Student Member AP 2015)

  • Attend meetings of the Board of Trustees;
  • Attend orientation sessions on the role of Student Trustee provided by the Chancellor or designee;
  • Attend Associated Student Government meetings, at least once per semester, for each College/campus site, either in person or via Zoom.  The purpose of these meetings is to provide information, report on Board of Trustee business, and obtain input on matters that affect students;
  • Review, study, and become conversant on issues before the Board that directly impact students;
  • Report to the Board and District Administration on topics relevant to student concerns and needs;
  • Advocate for policies before the Board to improve the educational opportunities for district students;
  • Promote open, honest, and civil discussion between the faculty, staff, administration, and students;
  • Represent the Board, as directed, at meetings, forums, or policy discussions concerning District positions on legislation or related topics;
  • Seek assistance from the Chancellor or designee on matters before the Board or clarification on how to place items before the Board.
  • Will meet with the Chancellor or designee on a monthly basis to review the Board packet and discuss pertinent issues.

The Student members are afforded the following privileges:

  • Make and second motions, but may not vote;
  • Receive current copy of the “CCLC Student Trustee Handbook;
  • Receive compensation in the amount as authorized by the Board of Trustees, which is currently equal the compensation the publicly elected trustees receive;
  • Receive compensation for mileage pursuant to Education Code Section 72425, to the same extent as regular Board members receive;
  • Receive compensation for travel expenses incurred as a result of Board-related activities at which the Student Trustee’s attendance is required or deemed necessary, as recommended by the Chancellor, or designee, and upon approval by the Board of Trustees in advance of the travel;
  • Receive compensation for travel expenses within the State of California; attendance at these activities must be justified and approved by the Board of Trustees in advance of the travel.  Each Student Trustee’s travel allowance is set at $1,000 per academic year;
  • The Student Trustees’ presence or absence at a Board meeting shall not be counted in deciding a quorum.